These solids were named after Plato, although they were mentioned two centuries before him by Pythagoras, who was educated in Egypt and called them ideal geometric bodies.
However, according to Atlantean teachings and later in ancient Egypt, these five solids were viewed from a different perspective, primarily as structural components of the energy fields of the human energy bodies as well as the surrounding space.
In fact, these are the five energy bodies of Human being and Earth that need to be synchronized with one another depending on their structural characteristics.
Synchronization of these five energy bodies of Human being and Earth allows to become "Osiris", not in the sense of a "rank", but able to communicate with the "gods".
In the priestly schools of antiquity, the "Platonic solids" served as a visual aid to give a visual idea of the structural features of energy fields.
This ancient teaching, much distorted over time, has come down to us in the form of the information that the elements such as Fire, Earth, Air, Water and Ether have different shapes.
According to this teaching, the "Platonic solids" correspond to the elements (energy shells of Human being and Earth) as follows: